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Accredited “B” Grade by NAAC 2018 (UGC) Estd. in 1969 by National Educational Society

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Computer Lab


Computer Application Lab

Now  a  days  the  knowledge  of  the  ‘Computer’ is  required  at  every  step  of  the  life.  Due  to the growing  demand  of  the  students,  the  management  of  the  college  felt  to  introduce  a  new  course  related  to  computer    as  under-graduate  level  was  introduced  as  a new  discipline  from the academic session 2005-06 in Self  Finance  Scheme. Computer Application subject is one of the three subjects for Bachelor of Science. The  Computer  Application  department  has  well  equipped   two Computer  Labs  for  B.Sc. Students with sufficient number of computers (35 Computers each) including Multimedia Projector also. Our effort is to provide one computer for each student and at present there is 1:1 ratio of system. 

There  are  about  450  books  related to computer science and some magazines are also available  in  the  departmental library. There are

about  450  books  related to computer science and some magazines are also available  in  the  departmental library. Our  plan  is  to  developed  a  ‘READING ROOM’  so  that  the  students  may read other books and magazine and become  aware  with recent  cutting edge technology  in  the  field  of  Computer Science. We have provided INTERNET FACILITY also so that student may learn about different fields which is necessary for the benefit of the students.