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Accredited “B” Grade by NAAC 2018 (UGC) Estd. in 1969 by National Educational Society

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About Department

Department of Electronics Today’s Era is an era of electronics, this subject is highly demanded by new generation due to its applications in the day to day life . Electronics has become part of modern hi-tech world. Since the invention of transistors, the electronic devices and its technology has gradually undergone a phenomenal change from component level to IC level, i.e. SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI and ULSI. Presently we 

live in a world of sub-micron electronics, nano-electronics and molecular electronics which have multifaceted applications. Be it Communication Technology, Bio-informatics, Bio-Technology, Medicine, Administration, etc., Electronics is omnipresent. Sometimes ago, Electronics was a part of Physics curriculum where greater emphasis is laid on the physics of devices and some basic circuit applications; now a day it is an independent branch. The phenomenal advancement and diversification in electronics led to the necessity of identifying aspect of electronics on a common platform with a view to bridging the gap between Physics and Engineering. As a policy decision, therefore, Electronics was made a part of curriculum at the undergraduate and Post Graduate levels in many Indian Universities since 1980. A course in Electronics at undergraduate level was started in this College in the Department of Physics in 2017. Ever since need to create a full-fledged environment for teaching in Electronic Science was keenly felt under self-financing scheme in the Department of electronics. Now electronics department is separate from Physics department in August 2022. NO.OF SEATS The electronics subjects was started from the session 2017- 18 with 60 seats in graduate level. Presently there are 2 devoted, dedicated and diligent Faculty members in this department. Dr. Subhash Kumar Sharma (Assistant Professor, HOD) , Dr. Shikha Srivastava (Assistant Professor). Courses Offered: B.Sc.- The department under the faculty of Science offers Electronics for 3 years.

Faculty Profile

Dr Subhash Kumar Sharma10250210
Dr Shikha Srivastava020606