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Accredited “B” Grade by NAAC 2018 (UGC) Estd. in 1969 by National Educational Society

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Message From Head of Desk

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

(Prof.) Dr. Anil Kumar Singh

Principal & Chairman, IQAC

Email : mgpg_gkp@rediffmail.com

Email : principal@mgpgc.ac.in

(Prof.) Dr. Namita Kumar

Director, IQAC

Email : iqac@mgpgc.ac.in

Email : namita1kumar@gmail.com

Director’s Message

As per the NAAC recommendation, the Internal Qualit                                                            Read More

As per the NAAC recommendation, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was firstly established on 10th January 2014, and respectively reconstituted in the years 2017, and 2022, as per their revised guidelines. Under the skillful guardianship of our Manager, Sri Mankeshwar Nath Pandey and capable Chairmanship of our Principal, Prof. (Dr) A.K. Singh, the IQAC is a fully functioning body, and certainly a step towards excellence. The IQAC team of the college well understands that this Cell is a valued addition to the institution’s resources and plays a key role in its development. Being nominated as the Director of IQAC since 2017, and getting the college accredited in 2018, the pertinence of maintaining the momentum of quality consciousness was crucial to ensure and conceive a quality culture at the institution, with appropriate structure and processes, and with enough flexibility to meet the diverse needs of the stakeholders. It has been far well realized that quality enhancements is a continuous process and at this point, the IQAC becomes an integral part of the institution’s system. Consequently working towards realization of the goals of quality enhancement, for performance, evaluation and quality upgradation, the meeting of IQAC is conducted periodically and proceeding of meetings is maintained. We guide our students to sharpen their skills and inculcate in them, a positive attitude system to shape their build, outlook and conduct, thus providing a strong foundation for them to face the challenges of life. With the support of  a strong team of faculty members, we completely put our efforts to motivate our students and guide them to progress at every step. We believe that good career is important but a good character is paramount.

Nominated as a Mentor for NAAC Accreditation Process for Higher Education Colleges of Gorakhpur Zone, I have been attending various workshops in universities and colleges including a ‘Training programme of Mentors’ held at Lucknow in January, 2020. During the interaction sessions, my realization turned into belief that though most of the colleges do have an Internal Quality Assurance Cell, but their perception and knowledge about its functioning is still limited. I do look forward into guiding these institutions at whatever level, through their NAAC accreditation.

I would welcome feedback about the college from our stakeholders including parents of our pupil.

1NAAC Certificate
2Formation of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) for the Session 2024-25 and 2025-26
34.1.3 Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.
4Number of sanctioned posts for Teachers during the year 2022-23
5The Institution academic calendar (2023-24)
6The Institution academic calendar(2021-22)
7The Institution academic calendar(2020-21)
8The Institution academic calendar(2019-20)
9Student Feedback 2022-23
10Reservation Policy as per UGC Norm
11Alumni Feedback 2022
12Alumni Feedback 2020
13Parents Feedback
14Time Table Session 2021-22
15Time Table Session 2020-21
167.1.9 - Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
172.6.1 Program Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes for all programs offered by the College
184.4.2 Procedure and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities