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Accredited “B” Grade by NAAC 2018 (UGC) Estd. in 1969 by National Educational Society

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About Department

Now  a  days  the  knowledge  of  the  ‘computer’ is  required  at  every  step  of  the  life.  Due  to the growing  demand  of  the  students,  the  management  of  the  college  felt  to  introduce  a  new  course  related  to  computer  and  as  a result  thereof  the  COMPUTER  APPLICATION  at  under-graduate  level  was  introduced  as  a new  discipline  from the academic session 2005-06 in Self  Finance  Scheme .Computer application subject is one of the three subjects for   Bachelor of Science .

The  administration  of  the  college  decided  to  open  this  discipline  to  all  students  of  the  college  whether  they are of  Maths. Group or  Bio. Group. There is one subject combinations  to  study  this  new  subject .The combination is Physics,  Mathematics  and  Computer  Application.

The Computer Application course was  started  from  Session: 2005-06  with  30  students  only but from Session: 2006-07, the number  of seats was  increased  to  40. Looking to the interests  of  the  students,  our  plan  was  to  enhance the number of seats. In 2008 -09 session 20% seats has been increased and the number of seats was 48. In current session there are 60 students in B.Sc.I are studying the computer application subject. 

The  Computer  Application  department  has  well  equipped   with two Computer  Labs  for  B.Sc.  students  with  sufficient  number  of  computers (35 Computers each)including Multimedia Projector also. Our effort is  to provide one computer for each student and at present there is 1:1 ratio of system .There is a “Multimedia Room” equipped with L.C.D Projector.

There  are  about  450  books  related to computer science and some magazines are also available  in  the  departmental library .Our  plan  is  to  develope  a  ‘READING ROOM’  so  that  the  students  may read other books and magazine and become  aware  with recent  cutting edge terchnology  in  the  field  of  Computer Science.We  have provided  INTERNET  FACILITY  also so that student may learn  the knowledge about different fields which is necessary for the benefit of the students .

The teaching faculty of the Computer Application Department is well qualified and experienced. At present there  are  Four  teachers  in  the  department .In addition, we also invite guest faculty  who are expert in their field , to deliver lectures in such a manner that easily understand by the students .The teachers and students interact with them .There  is one  Lab  Assistant  who  is  also  well  qualified.

Career Oriented Programme In Department.

One  important  success  of  the  department  was  that  University  Grants     Commission  has  approved for starting of  the “Career  Oriented  Programme” in  Computer  Technology  in  our  college  from  the  academic  year: 2007-08. This  was  an  ADD-ON  Course  that  has  utility  for  job  and  self  employment  of  the  students. In the academic session 2007-08 the carrier-oriented programme started with CERTIFICATE COURSE only. In session 2008-09 DIPLOMA COURSE also started and in session 2009-10 the ADVANCED DIPLOMA COURSE was running along with CERTIFICATE and DIPLOMA course. At  the  end  of  three  Years,  the students  will  be  equipped  with  CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA/ ADVANCED DIPLOMA  in  an  ADD-ON  orientation  course  along with  a  conventional  degree  in Science.

 Our next  career Oriented programme is COMPUTER LEARNING PROGRAMME started from the academic year 2010-2011 and presently going on . In this programme we teach elementary knowledge of computer to all the students of the college.


Mr. Ritesh Kumar Srivastava

Department : Computer Application
Designation : Assistant Professor
Date of Joining : 06 Dec 2006
Phone : 9455057399
Email : ritesh_606@yahoo.co.in

Mrs. Ekta Srivastava

Department : Computer Application
Designation : Assistant Professor
Date of Joining : 03 Feb 2014
Phone : 6394155803
Email : sriv.ekta@gmail.com

Department of Bachelor of Computer Application

+ (91) 8604606602

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Dr.Roopam Srivastava

Department : Bachelor of Computer Application
Designation : Assistant Professor (Incharge)
Phone : 9335581788
Email : roopam.amogh@gmail.com

Mr. Gautam Sinha

Department : Computer Application
Designation : Assistant Professor
Date of Joining : 09 May 2022
Phone : 9919991417
Email : sinhaer@gmail.com